The Speakers Ecademy

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Speakers Ecademy

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Rikki Arundel MSc, PSAE, FPSA, ALAM(hons)

Meet Rikki Arundel, an award-winning speaker and esteemed speaking coach with over 40 years of expertise in public speaking training and coaching. Rikki, the founder of the UK Professional Speaking Association, has twice won the Toastmasters District 71 Speech Evaluation Contest and holds a prestigious teaching qualification in public speaking as an Associate of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts.
Rikki's approach to coaching is as engaging as it is effective, making them a sought-after mentor for those aiming to captivate and entertain through speech. With a knack for unravelling the complexities of storytelling and audience connection, Rikki guides aspiring and seasoned speakers alike to discover their unique voices and deliver presentations that resonate and inspire.
The launch of the Speakers Ecademy marks a new chapter in accessible, comprehensive speaking training from Rikki. This platform promises a wealth of video and written resources, drawing from Rikki's rich reservoir of knowledge and experience. It's designed to elevate your speaking skills, ensuring your messages not only reach but profoundly impact your audience.

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Copyright Rikki Arundel 2024