Beyond the Binary: How Embracing They/Them Pronouns Can Help Bridge Divides

Beyond the Binary: How Embracing They/Them Pronouns Can Help Bridge Divides
In a world increasingly defined by polarisation, language has the power to break down barriers. In their latest article, Rikki Arundel explores how embracing they/them pronouns is not just about inclusivity - it’s about challenging binary thinking and fostering a more equal society.
We already use they/them in everyday speech:
Someone left their phone - do you know if they’ll be back?
Tell whoever calls that I’ll get back to them.
If this is second nature, why do we struggle when someone asks for they/them as their identity? Rigid binaries fuel division - whether in politics, gender, or identity - and adopting non-binary pronouns is a small but powerful way to move toward a more nuanced, inclusive world.

#BeyondTheBinary #TheyThem #RikkiArundel #GenderSpeaker

Bridging the Divide: How Leaders Can Navigate Trans Rights Conversations in the Workplace

Bridging the Divide: How Leaders Can Navigate Trans Rights Conversations in the Workplace
In this insightful article, Rikki explores how business leaders, HR professionals, and DEI specialists can navigate the divisive debate around trans rights in the workplace. Drawing on Justin Lee’s Talking Across the Divide and Social Identity Theory, the article explains why these discussions often become emotionally charged and how leaders can foster meaningful, respectful dialogue. Rather than forcing agreement, Rikki advocates for a strategic approach—shifting the goal from winning debates to planting seeds of understanding, using storytelling to create emotional connections, and emphasising shared values to build common ground. The article offers practical steps for facilitating workplace discussions that reduce polarization, ensuring all employees feel respected and heard. With trans rights increasingly at the forefront of workplace culture, this article provides timely guidance for leaders looking to manage these conversations effectively. It also highlights Rikki’s expertise as a speaker for Pride Month and beyond.

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