Book Recommendations

Here are some recommendations for books that may be helpful in developing your speaking and or speaking business. These are all books that I have read and found really helpful myself. 
TED Talks
Chris Anderson

Chris Anderson's "TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking" is an indispensable guide for anyone looking to master the art of storytelling and public speaking. 
Anderson, curator of TED, distils years of wisdom from the world's most inspiring talks into practical advice. This book is not just about delivering a presentation; it's about crafting messages that resonate deeply with audiences. Anderson emphasizes the power of storytelling, the importance of authenticity, and the impact of a well-structured talk. 
Whether you're a seasoned speaker or stepping onto the stage for the first time, "TED Talks" offers invaluable insights into connecting with your audience and leaving a lasting impression. It's a must-read for anyone eager to elevate their speaking skills and engage with listeners on a profound level.

Talk Like TED
Carmine Gallo
Carmine Gallo’s "Talk Like TED" is a vibrant and exhilarating book that distils the magic of TED talks into actionable insights for captivating public speaking. Gallo, with his energetic writing style, captures the essence of what makes a presentation memorable and translates it into practical tips that anyone can apply. 

The book is not merely a guide; it's an inspirational call to action for readers to find their own voice and speak with confidence. Gallo's advice is backed by research, making "Talk Like TED" both a scientifically sound and immensely enjoyable read.

Whether you're preparing for a boardroom presentation or a casual talk, Gallo’s book is an essential handbook for anyone who wants to speak with more persuasion, power, and poise.

Story Theater Method
Doug Stevenson
Doug Stevenson’s "Story Theater Method" is a revolutionary book that offers a vibrant blend of insights for anyone looking to master the art of storytelling. 

Doug’s method is more than a set of tools; it's a journey through the mechanics of crafting stories that stick. With relatable examples and step-by-step guidelines, he demystifies the process of engaging storytelling, making it accessible to speakers, leaders, and professionals from all walks of life. 

Whether you’re a novice speaker or a seasoned orator, "Story Theater Method" offers a fresh perspective on how stories can be strategically structured for maximum impact. It's an inspiring read that's bound to leave you eager to tell your own story with newfound confidence and flair.

Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous
Penny Halsam
Knowing Penny Haslam as a long-standing member of the Professional Speakers Association, I can attest to her remarkable expertise and engaging personality. In "Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous," Penny brings her extensive experience as a national TV and radio business journalist—having appeared on BBC Breakfast, News Channel, Radio 4, and Radio 5 Live—to this insightful guide.

This book is packed with real-world examples, practical advice, and actionable steps. Penny's FACE technique for effective communication, along with her tips on public speaking and media appearances, provide a solid roadmap for anyone looking to raise their profile. What sets this book apart is Penny's witty and approachable writing style, making it both informative and entertaining.

Unlike many dense marketing and PR books, "Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous" is concise and to the point. It's designed for quick reading with immediate takeaways, perfect for busy professionals. If you’re ready to stop being a best-kept secret and start shining in your field, Penny’s guide will show you the way.

Over Subscribed
Daniel Priestly
"Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestley is a game-changer for any business striving to stand out in today's crowded marketplace. Priestley, an accomplished entrepreneur, provides invaluable insights on how to transform your business into one that customers actively seek out. 

The book delves into the strategies used by successful businesses to create high demand for their products and services, leading to customers lining up to buy. With practical steps and real-world examples, 

Oversubscribed teaches you how to understand your customers' minds, create compelling campaigns, and build a buzz that keeps your business in high demand. Whether you're an entrepreneur, marketer, or business leader, this updated edition is essential reading for anyone looking to drive significant growth and success. It's a must-read for those ready to make their business the one everyone talks about and desires."


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