I'm here to inspire your team to be more LGBTQ inclusive

Hi, I'm Rikki 

I help leaders improve profits by delivering speeches people remember and by creating LGBTQ-inclusive workplaces where people can bring their true selves to work.

I was shocked to discover just a few years ago that 60% of LGBTQ people are not out at work because they are too scared to tell anyone. Yet other recent research shows that LGBTQ-inclusive organisations are more profitable than those that are not. 

Book a call with me now to find out how my virtual or in-room presentations can help to make your organisation more LGBTQ-inclusive, more profitable and a nicer place to work.

4 Steps to Create an LGBTQ Inclusive Workspace:

Clear Equality Policy - Fairly Enforced

Does your organisation have clear and fairly enforced equality policies that spell out in plain English your inclusion mission and what is and is not acceptable? Are those policies openly supported by senior management? Do you fund and support an LGBTQ employee resource group?  

Be Seen to be Openly LGBTQ Inclusive

Do you encourage openly inclusive behaviour? Do you include LGBTQ people and issues in your marketing and publications?  Do you speak out on LGBTQ issues? Do you support local and international LGBTQ events and celebrations like your local Pride events? 

Provide LGBTQ Awareness and Bias Training

Do you provide mandatory awareness and unconscious bias training?  Do you host lunch and learn sessions and encourage self-education? Do you hire external speakers at your conferences and seminars? Do you encourage an active ERG education programme?

Challenge Discrimination and Harassment

Do you encourage everyone to challenge homophobia, transphobia, sexism and racism? Do you have an active Champions, Allies and Buddies programme to encourage inclusion?  Do you actively prevent favouritism and bias?
Ready to wake up and thrive every day?
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  • Set the stage for lasting change by digging deep and gaining clarity on what you really need to work on to finally feel at your peak

  • Learn daily practices, simple recipes and exercise (that you can actually use as a busy mom), overhaul your pantry and more

  • Learn how to kick toxicity to the curb in all areas of your life, better manage stress and keep yourself on track for positive change.

  • Kickstart your transformation with a guided 5 day detox, and get your goals in place for taking your transformation to the next level!
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Copyright Rikki Arundel 2024